Wednesday, February 13, 2013


(originally ranted on Facebook)

As a reporter, I try not to get too personal/political, but it is hard not to after hearing a Cincinnati assistant principal got fired for supporting gay marriage on his blog.

I loved my 12 years of Catholic school in Cinci, and the allies I found there, but I often wish I could have had an even easier experience coming out and being a gay Christian. It’s something I’ve struggled with. I’ve read the entire Bible, I am sure,  since I was also a religion major in my Methodist college.

Jesus didn't say a damn thing about homosexuality. And any argument that Leviticus prohibits it is insane. Laws in Leviticus were based on ritual sacrifice and being acceptable to come before the altar -- gay sex was unclean in the ritualistic sense, as were a myriad of other things (like tattoos and eating shellfish).

Same-sex marriage will not lead to incest, or people marrying dogs and toaster ovens. Same-sex marriage is between TWO CONSENTING ADULTS. Your dog or some little kid can't make a legal lifelong commitment. Two adults should be able to do what the hell they want with their love lives.

This shouldn't even be a religious issue. Religion, to me, is learning your own damn way to connect with Jesus and God. And how to be happy. No one can tell you how to build that relationship, or be happy, or what God thinks of you. They can give you guidelines, but my God loves me for who I am and I have experienced holiness in different ways than other people have. And if you don't have a god, that's okay too. You probably have clearer eyes in this issue. If you disagree with me, that's okay, but this is what my life as a MethoCatholic has taught me.

In short, my friends, thank you to all who support the LGBTIQA community and those who don't use religion as a way to strong-arm other people into having your beliefs.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013