Friday, November 19, 2010

Wait...Dumbledore dies?

Mmm, spoilers. I saw Harry Potter last night, decked out in my best impersonation of a Slytherin student, and it was pretty damn good. There were only a few things that were left out, and also were a few things added in that made me question the future of humanity. Just kidding. But it was weird.

A quick rundown:

Nagini is terrifying.
Harry has some hideous sweaters.
Hermione is bad at haircuts.
The Horcrux turns people into the same level of bitch as the One Ring.
It is possible to stand on train tracks and stop the Hogwarts Express.
Hedwig is ferocious.
Following balls of light around, whether they be in your chest or hovering over a frozen lake with a sword in it, is a great idea.
Werewolves love perfume.
Magic is might. Also, England prevails and Big Brother is watching you. STRENGTH THROUGH UNITY, UNITY THROUGH FAITH.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cancer Sticks: A Modest Proposal

Since we were little kids, we’ve been taught about the dangers of smoking. It causes a host of diseases. It puts disgusting chemicals and shit into your body. It’s a big ol’ addictive drug. It can make your baby a demon child if you smoke while pregnant. It pisses people off.

And onnn and onnnn and onnnn.

Now, I don’t smoke. I used to back in high school, but then soccer season started back up and I decided to quit because smoking made me run slower than I already did. If I ever smoke anymore, it is an extremely rare occasion brought on by stress and/or the temptation to have one while out at a party. But I know plenty of people who do smoke on a regular basis. And many folks here at school seem to be getting really upset about the proposed ban on smoking. So never fear, fellow Bishops, because I have some great alternative ideas to keep this campus hazy with clouds of nicotine.

The most obvious solution to the prevalence of smoking on campus is to take the nicotine out of the cigarettes and put some weed in there instead. I can swear to you that I have never been high before, but I have encountered people in various stages of being blazed and can tell you they are very peaceful people. Marijuana has not been found to cause cancer, so if you are one of those “DON’T SMOKE BECAUSE YOU DON’T WANT CANCER” people, you would have nothing to argue about. And besides, maybe all the secondhand smoke from pot would act as a chill pill to all those bitching about secondhand smoke from cigarettes. Everybody wins.

Also, as if cigarette sales didn’t already boost the economy, can you imagine what the sale of marijuana instead of cigarettes would do? Taco Bell and Doritos would have profits through the roof. Doctors’ offices could stand to make a lot more money because everyone would want a prescription for some medical dope. The music industry would flourish because who doesn’t love stoners writing songs? Look at John Mayer.

The tobacco industry funnels a lot of money into the economy…money you would have to pay yourself if we didn’t have smokers around. Think about that.

But maybe you don’t want to take this route. That’s fine. There are other ways to combat smoking here on campus and around the country.

One argument that I hear a lot is that smoking gives you yellow teeth and stains your clothes. Okay, great. I don’t know why this is an argument unless you are telling smokers you don’t want to see their yellow teeth and yellow clothes. That’s not having a solid argument, that’s being a bitch. But at any rate, if you hate seeing people smoke cigarettes and hate breathing in their smoke, just get a paper bag and wear it around over your head. Write nice things on it about how you don’t like smoke and how you don’t want to be a servant of the tobacco industry’s evil marketing techniques. You won’t have to see them or breathe in their smoke…how cool is that?

Another idea: There’s a reason evil guys and sexy women in movies all smoke. Because it looks badass. So, make being a non-smoker look cooler. Do you think Spike from Buffy would have half the sex appeal if he wasn’t a smoker? Can you picture Popeye without a pipe hanging out of his mouth? How would Albert Einstein look without his pipe, or FDR without his weird-looking cigarette thing? Not as cool. How about James Dean? Marilyn Monroe? Frank Sinatra? Sophia Loren? Che Guevara? Like it or not, it’s kind of cool to see people whip out a lighter and elegantly light one up. Particularly if they are well-dressed…or sitting on the front steps of a SLU.

So give me some glamour, antismokers. Make yourselves look cooler instead of giving smokers dirty looks when they pass you by. Rude. One might think that smokers are going to poison all our children and give us all emphysema—they’re like the lepers you don’t want to be around for fear of catching their diseases. Anti-smoking sentiment has barred smokers from restaurants, public places, and now universities? They’re being forced to hide in a closet like a bunch of gays (who, incidentally, have a very high rate of smoking). Where do gays go when they’re forced to hide? The government or the priesthood. Where are smokers going to go if we ban them on campus? Probably back indoors, where they can spread cancer in a much more confined area.

So cut smokers a break. Odds are, they won’t be around much longer anyhow.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boehner/Boner Puns

They're bound to be running rampant since Ohio's own fake baked House representative is now Speaker of the House. Here are a few t-shirt slogans to get you started.

...and how DO you pronounce it?

Boehner is a Dick
Boehner: Nice guy, but he seems a bit stiff.
Don't think with your Boehner.
Get your Boehner out of my House.
Your Boehner does not excite me.
Is that a Boehner, or are you just hard for Republicans?
Electile Dysfunction
Your Boehner Needs More Viagra.
Pop a Boehner
I get a Boehner for politics