Wednesday, August 20, 2014

To James Foley and all the journalists who have been kidnapped, threatened, held hostage, tortured, murdered, or have suffered at all in the hands of terrorists...

Thank you for your bravery, your work, and your commitment to your craft.

Our world is made better by people like you. 

The ice bucket challenge--how to make it count and shut off the haters

Those of us who did the ice bucket challenge have been getting some heat from other folks who say we are wasting water OR that we are not actually donating.

The second one is obviously false. The IBC has gathered $22.9 MILLION for research to Lou Gehrig's Disease over the last THREE WEEKS, a huge increase from last year.

Ten bucks of that was mine--please excuse the bragging.

However, the first point people make is correct. Lots of folks lack clean, therefore, I would encourage any of you doing the challenge to donate to ALS (duh) AND to donate to another cause to bring water.

No offense, California. I know you're in drought. But there aren't any charities I can find to give water--just to further research or help a lobbying company.

And I am SURE people in the world need water more than you.

So, here is a list of projects from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to bring water to impoverished places. Grab your debit cards, kids!! And see if your employer matches the donation!