Sunday, May 23, 2010

For those of you on Twitter out there, look up @BPGlobalPR. I guarantee you'll smile at the oil company's "tweets." I'm on operation to get a free shirt! ;)

Friday, May 21, 2010

News of an early-morning fire alarm at OU hit me as I lay in bed at my parents' house with the cat. "There's a crying sorority girl somewhere," my girlfriend asserted, referring to the YouTube video. This just made me realize one thing. No matter the hour, no matter where the alarm goes off...there is always the luxury of a trip to UDF, Timmy Ho's or one of our fine establishments in Delaware. OU? Not so much.

God bless America.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I think I made a revelation...well, you know how anything you drink after you brush your teeth tastes gross or makes your mouth hurt? Well, I often brush my teeth and grab a Diet Coke before I leave the house. I brushed my teeth with regular Crest, the blue paste, nothing special. And you know what? It doesn't taste nasty.

Just a tip. :) I hope everyone's summers are going well!

Oh, Bambi...I cried so hard when they shot your mother...

Did anyone get footage of the deer on campus today? You know, the one that...

a) ran into a car
b) jumped through a building in Slocum and out another
c) tried to get into Phillips hall.

This is about to be a trending topic, I see it now.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Branching out

I've become an NPR junkie lately. I love it. And I was listening to "The Story" with Dick Gordon today on my rainy drive back from Rookwood with my grandma, and on the show was a man who had interviewed Jackie Robinson in 1962, before he was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. I had to smile and feel some Bishop pride as I listened to an excerpt where Robinson talked about how the first person he called when he found out was Branch Rickey and his family. Robinson, who to my surprise sounded like a 1950s radio broadcaster himself, said he credited Rickey for all his success and for integrating baseball.

Awesome. :) I'm proud to be a Bishop today.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Phone call from Afghanistan...

Some soldiers dancing to Lady Gaga made me smile while writing my paper. :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Is it just me or does this soccer game have more nudity than most?

Great display of soccer and human anatomy last night at Roy Rike Field. Our men's team successfully fought off visiting Xavier (a D-I school and everything!) for 90 minutes, and a rocket off the foot of Dylan Stone with 15 seconds left in the game sealed a victory for us.

Also, an impressive turnout from the OWU community made me proud to be a Bishop. I have never seen so many lax bros in my life, and out homecoming king ripped his clothes off and took a victory jog across the field.

Oh, OWU.

I'll miss you when I leave.

But for now, I'm ready to be done with you and all your finals.