Friday, January 27, 2012

I'm learning today how hard it is to be a journalist when someone you know is accused of a crime. One of my high school religion teachers was arrested a week ago for domestic violence. A friend texted me this morning to let me know there was a link on Facebook. So, of course I went online and checked out the link. This man's mug shot, address, etc. are up online for everyone to see.

If I was a journalist working on this story, I would be overjoyed to have all of this information. But as his former student, I felt slightly betrayed and lied to. Nevertheless, I shared the link -- public record, public information. Definitely a case of a role model acting against what he taught young men and women.

One of my good friends questioned my actions when I posted the link, and this was my response:

"I posted this because I thought people should know that someone who teaches young men and women how to live morally upright lives was accused of a crime. I think all of us have a right to know, and those who still know people in the school definitely have some thinking to do. It hurts us because we're personally involved, but any teacher who commits a crime, I think, is a public figure to those he or she has taught. We're all shocked, I know, but this serves as a warning to others who may abuse their rights as a role model."

With that being said, I know some may disagree with my decision. It's sensitive to my friends and classmates, and also to me. But I think it's in the public's right to know -- a role model, a teacher of young people, and a disciplinary figure was arrested for domestic violence. I hope his wife and kids are okay, personally.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Offered a job as sports clerk at the Columbus Dispatch.

To me, it felt like someone was again on one knee, offering me something shiny and beautiful and like what I've always dreamed of. Only instead of my girlfriend and an engagement ring and a sorority formal, it was an HR lady and my cell phone and a job offer. Both instances, I know, are going to change my life for the better.

Looks like, in a little bit, I'll be spending a few evenings a week at the '$patch, typing in box scores and watching the real journalists putter about as I clutch my leather notebook and click my heels and dream big dreams. I'm kind of stunned how quickly I wormed my way into that building, but once I am in I am determined to meet everyone and see all the journalists do their things and do my job so well. I feel like this is the path to my dream!

Thanks to everyone who has supported me or read my articles. <3 I'm climbing, a little bit at a time, and I know you're all here to catch me if I fall.

I still can't believe all the amazing things that have happened in the last few months and I can't wait to keep discovering what the future has for all of us.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Taylor Swift as Eponine in Les Miz?!

You heard it here first. Well, here and here.

I bet you can't even guess how I feel.