Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I'm a little depressed right now because my youth group leaves for Kaibeto, AZ tomorrow morning...and I won't be on the train.

Too much money and too much time away from work and my internship. That's basically what it boils down to. I need to save for my apartment this year and I certainly don't have hundreds of dollars to spend, even for something as wonderful and transcendent of material value as a mission trip. So I'll be here in Cincinnati. Not on a train with some of my closest friends. Not working hard on an Indian reservation for people who really need it. Not bonding with amazing people in the sweltering heat. Not singing on top of the Grand Canyon.

Just here.

At least I have a conference this weekend--it's in Indiana and my sorority paid for it, so it's hardly the same. And I'll get to make money and see my friends and spend time with my wonderful girlfriend.

Still, heart will be in Arizona.